
Loyalty Programme

Join our exclusive Kiddie Boutique Loyalty Programme and earn points to save money on your next order!

With the Kiddie Boutique Members Club you can earn points while saving money when shopping with us - amazing right?!

How does it work?


Sign up for an account with us and you will automatically be enrolled into our rewards scheme.


For every £1 you spend with us on the website, you will earn 1 point. You will get 100 points for other things like liking our Facebook & Instagram pages.


For every 100 points, you get £1 to spend online. To redeem your points, just click on the gold reward button at the bottom right of the website.

Sound good? Why not tell your friends and we will send them a £3 off coupon AND give you a £2 coupon! Sign up today to begin earning points and saving money today!

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